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How to See Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile

Really curious to see who has viewed your Facebook profile? is common among Facebook users. I have explored techniques to learn who visits or logs into my Facebook account. Even though I’ve come across several websites, applications, and pop-ups that make the same claim about your profile visitors, do they work?

How to check who viewed your FB profile?

Facebook has experienced various problems over the years, almost as a result of user privacy concerns. The dominant social networking company has also been charged with disclosing personal information to outside parties, and this raised the questions like how to know who visited my profile on Facebook? The ability to see who has visited your profile is currently a contentious feature that is attracting attention from all over the world. Facebook has a history of refusing to give people access to this data, but recently, individuals have started claiming they can use an iOS device to see who visited their profile. You must independently verify whether you can accomplish that with your specific iPhone model.

You can follow the below steps to check who visited your Facebook profile.

  1. Click the three horizontal lines at the bottom that represent the drop-down menu.
  2. Go to the section marked “Privacy Shortcuts” at the bottom.
  3. The “Privacy Checkup” section is followed by the “Who saw my profile” option.

Who Views Your Facebook, Can You See? Why Is Facebook Refusing To Let You See Who Has Viewed Your Profile?

Since privacy is the issue, Facebook hasn’t added any features that would allow users to see who has seen their profiles. If you knew someone could find out about it, would you visit someone’s profile, look through their photos, or stalk them? No? Right? Facebook does not allow you to know who visits your Facebook page or who watches your Facebook videos for the same reason. Facebook has a half-population that uses it to monitor the lives of others. Facebook would have lost a portion of its revenue if it had this feature.

Popular Ways to See Who Visited Your Facebook Profile?

Facebook has consistently stood by its official policy, which prohibits users from seeing who visits or views their profile. The officials claim that neither Facebook’s website nor mobile app offers a feature or report specifically for this, nor does Facebook’s API give developers access to this data. There isn’t a built-in tool or another reliable method to check this or the visitors to your profile. Should we trust Facebook or the apps we come across every day that promise to allow us to view visitors?

Read Also – How to Unblock Facebook Locked Account

What you should know is as follows:

Viewing your data enables access to your friends’ data, a practice known as “data harvesting.” Additionally, this puts your Facebook account at risk of hacking, so you should always report such illicit programs.

To report a Facebook app:

  1. In the top right corner, click the drop-down menu and choose “Settings and Privacy.”
  2. Next, select “Settings.”
  3. Click “Apps and Websites,” on the left.
  4. Choose the app you want to critique and report.

What can you check out or view on Facebook?

Even if you are not able to see who visits your Facebook profile, that doesn’t mean you are unable to perform any checks. You may check several pieces of information about your account, friends, and other users on Facebook.

  • Look at Your Friendship

By visiting their profile, you may view all of your interactions with a particular friend. Select “See friendship” by clicking on the three dots provided to the right of the screen. By doing it, you will receive information about your friendship status, shared photographs, posts, and more.

  • View All Activities

You can view your entire Facebook activity history, including interactions with friends and group Activity Log. Go to your Facebook profile, click the three dots, and select “Activity Log” from the drop-down menu. While doing this, you will receive a detailed account of everything you have done on Facebook, including interactions, searches, friends, likes, and other actions. The following filters are also available through the left menu:

Review the posts in which you tagged and the tags on your posts.

  • Recognize Facebook page viewers

You can see who watches or visits your Facebook page(s), although you are unable to do so for your profile on Facebook. Go to your Facebook page and select the “Insights” option from the list of options on the left. Although Facebook Insights won’t reveal the identities of those who browse your page, you may still get a good indication of how many people are visiting your site.

The bottom line

Therefore, it is evident that while you cannot see who views your Facebook profile, you may acquire essential information on both your profile and page. The websites or programs that claim that you can see who has viewed your Facebook are false and unreliable.

Marco Polo
Marco Polo
Marco Polo is the admin of He is dedicated to provide informative news about all kind of business, finance, technology, digital marketing, real estate etc.

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