When it comes to graphic design, and working with professional graphic designers Brisbane, one of the numerous techniques that are available to designers is the grid system. Not only does it give a basic premise and starting point for the design work and layout of a page, it is also a simple system that designers turn to, when they are creating content for any number of mediums, from online site design, to magazine layouts.
Table of Contents
Content organization –
The grid system used by Brisbane graphic designers is a method of laying out content, in order to organize that content in a certain way. By using margins, lines, columns, rows, and grids, the system allows designers to properly arrange graphic elements out on a page, and lay them out in the most precise manner. Depending on the detail of the site, the content that is being laid out, and the manner in which it is to be seen by the end viewer, one grid, or a combination of grids can be used through all the pages on a site, in order to keep a uniform style, and to lay out the information and content in a certain manner to the end viewer of the site. Once the end result is displayed on screen (or in a magazine, newspaper, etc), the grid lines are no longer seen, but you can still see the consistent pattern if you look through all content, on all pages.
Types of grids and uses –
When graphic designers Brisbane choose the grid layout for site content, there is really no limit as to how many grids can or should be used, how they should be laid out, or how they should be created. It is simply used as a guide, to help lay out content, and give the pages some uniformity throughout. There is a common layout when it comes to grids, and some of the modifications or additions that can be made include:
– Equally sized 2, 3, or 4 column grids, which have a header at the top of the page, and full page grid of squares.
– Varied line, border, and width columns can be created using this basic pattern.
– Changes of page sizes which allow for unique page designs, and content layout.
Using the grid system is a great way to lay out any page; it is a simple way to see all the content that will be used on the page, and how it will look once you are finished. Using the grids also allows designers to see whether everything fits together on the pages, how it looks, and whether changes should be made, prior to actually adding content to the sites.
Break out of grids –
Graphic designers Brisbane use the grid as a premise for design, and content layout; but, once the grid is established, and all content has been laid out, it is up to different designers how they are going to, if they are going to, and at which points in the page they are going to break out of the grid. Simple because designers break out of the traditional “grid”, does not mean that the entire system is ignored by designers; as a matter of fact, they use the grid system in many aspects of design and page layout.
Instead of throwing out the grid system, designers may choose to cross over from one grid to the next on the page layout, they choose to extend certain elements to different areas on the grid, possibly extend page breaks to create continual content, and so forth. By breaking out of the grid, designers are able to create a unique layout, they are able to create distinct content, and they are able to design a page and content that is best suited for the client that they are creating that content for.
Like any other guide or premise, Logo design Brisbane use the traditional grid system as a starting point for laying out content. It creates uniformity on a page, allows them to see what looks best where, and eventually it allows them to create, modify, and recreate the grid, in order to design a truly unique site, and one that is the best possible layout for the client they are working with.